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Do developers of various programming community express natural language knowledge differently?
Do programming languages mold our brain as natural languages do?
Short description of portfolio item number 1
Short description of portfolio item number 2
Published in Sattose, 2018, Athens, Greece, 2018
Recommended citation: Pooja Rani
Published in International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER), 2021, 2021
Paper, Presenation, Data, Video, Tool
Published in International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2021, 2021
Recommended citation: Pooja Rani
Published in Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), 2021
Paper here-Arxiv, PDF, Presenation, Data, Replication package
Published in Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE), 2021
Published in International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM), 2021, 2021
Published in International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM), 2021, 2021
Arxiv, Paper, Presenation, Data, Video
Published in PhD defense, 2022, 2022
Thesis, University Presenation,
Recommended citation: Pooja Rani
Published in International Conference on Smalltalk Tehcnologies (IWST) 2022, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2022
Paper, Presenation, Data,
Published in Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), 2022
Published in Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), 2023
Published in Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023, 2023
Published in Foundation of Software Engineering (FSE), 2023
Published in Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE), 2024
Published in International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2024
Published in International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC), 2025
Published in Foundation of Software Engineering (FSE), 2025
Masters course, University of Bern, 2018
This is a seminar for Masters students in the Swiss Joint Master of Science in Computer Science as well as Bachelors, Masters and PhD students completing their project work or thesis in the Software Engineering Group. Seminar students will work on a small, supervised project during the semester, and present their work at the end of the semester. The course is offered in both fall/spring semesters.
Undergraduate course, University of Bern, 2018
This course provides an introduction to object-oriented design in Java with an emphasis on practical techniques for developing complex software systems. I instructed the course as a main instructor where I was responsible for hiring help assistants, designing exercise, correcting exercise, and conducting the exam. More details can be found Here
Masters course, University of Bern, 2018
Details can be found here
Undergraduate course, University of Bern, 2019
This course provides an introduction to object-oriented design in Java with an emphasis on practical techniques for developing complex software systems. I instructed the course as a main instructor where I was responsible for hiring help assistants, designing exercise, correcting exercise, and conducting the exam. More details can be found Here
Undergraduate course, University of Bern, 2020
This course provides an introduction to object-oriented design in Java with an emphasis on practical techniques for developing complex software systems. I instructed the course as a main instructor where I was responsible for hiring help assistants, designing exercise, correcting exercise, and conducting the exam. More details can be found Here
Masters course, University of Bern, 2020
Guest lecture can be found here
Undergraduate course, University of Bern, 2021
This course provides an introduction to object-oriented design in Java with an emphasis on practical techniques for developing complex software systems. I instructed the course as a main instructor where I was responsible for hiring help assistants, designing exercise, correcting exercise, and conducting the exam. More details can be found Here
Undergraduate course, University of Bern, 2022
This course provides an introduction to object-oriented design in Java with an emphasis on practical techniques for developing complex software systems. I instructed the course as a main instructor where I was responsible for hiring help assistants, designing exercise, correcting exercise, and conducting the exam. More details can be found Here
BSc and MSc course, University of Zurich, 2023
Software engineering (SE) research focuses on various methods to understand and satisfy developer information needs. SE researchers use data from various artifacts, such as documentation, source code, logs, version control history, mailing lists, and bug reports to gain an empirically based understanding of software developer practices and the challenges they face to develop and maintain complex software. Based on these essential insights, researchers devise various methods, tools, and techniques to satisfy developer needs and design appropriate methods to support developers. Empirical methods play a vital role in designing and evaluating these methods.
Seminar topic, University of Zurich, 2023
Code review is a crucial practice for software quality assurance. It has been widely adopted in both open-source and commercial software projects. One of the benefits of code review is to enforce coding standards for the code. Similar to GitHub, Gerrit is another tool that facilitates code review in which reviewers suggest changes to the author of a piece of code. Wen et al. constructed a taxonomy of code changes that trigger changes in comments. They confirmed that 20% of changes in the code trigger comment changes. Our previous study showed that only 50% of the changes in the class comments are related to code changes. The remaining comment changes are about clarifying details of the class, formatting, and adding information. In this study, we aim to analyze such indirect changed and direct changes (in one commit).
Seminar topic, University of Zurich, 2023
Software documentation is an inexplicable part of the software. It helps developers understand and modify the software in the development and maintenance phases. Code comments are an important type of software documentation, and developers trust code comments more than other forms of documentation. A Pull Request (PR) is one of the key ideas to support collaboration. Developers are encouraged to submit PRs to contribute. Not all PRs are merged into the main codebase. Researchers found various factors for this behavior, including code comments.
MSc thesis, University of Bern and Zurich, Switzerland, 2023
The intensive use of software in many aspects of industries is becoming more and more common. Including other factors impacting climate, the technology sector also plays a role. Therefore, in recent years, software engineering research has attempted to comprehend the energy consumption and implication of the software development process by building various tools and frameworks. However, not all developers are aware of sustainable software, or energy-efficient practices; therefore, developing green software is still a challenge.
BSc thesis, University of Bern, Switzerland, 2023
Seminar topic, University of Zurich, 2023
The intensive use of software in many aspects of industries is becoming more and more common. Including other factors impacting climate, the technology sector also plays a role. Therefore, in recent years, software engineering research has attempted to comprehend the energy consumption and implication of the software development process by building various tools and frameworks[1]. However, not all developers are aware of sustainable software, or energy-efficient practices; therefore, energy-related anti-patterns are more common than expected, and eventually, developing green software is still challenging.
Seminar, University of Zurich, Switzerland, 2024
Software has become an integral part of scientific research workflows, enabling complex data processing and knowledge extraction. As a first step, we aim to explore the guidelines and policies that help developers build sustainable software. For example, UZH as an organization also provides certain policies related to sustainability
MSc, University of Zurich, Switzerland, 2024
Code comments play a crucial role in program comprehension and maintenance. On the one hand, studies show that developers trust code comments and find useful information in them. On the other hand, developers find comments outdated, misleading, and often inconsistent with code. Thus, they often question whether it is worth adding comments or not.
Begel and Zimmermann conducted a survey to understand the challenges in their development practices and highlighted the question, “When are code comments worth the effort to write them?” [2]. There are various factors that make developers add comments to their code [1]. For example, the complexity of a file might cause developers to add comments to it, or experienced developers can favor adding comments more than novice ones?
Seminar, University of Zurich, Switzerland, 2024
Code comments play a crucial role in program comprehension and maintenance. On the one hand, studies show that developers trust code comments and find useful information in them.
Begel and Zimmermann conducted a survey to understand the challenges in their development practices and highlighted the question, “When are code comments worth the effort to write them?” [2]. There are various factors that make developers add comments to their code [1]. For example, the complexity of a file might cause developers to add comments to it, or if a code has various code smells, developers might want to add comments to better explain their code. Code smells indicate the complexity of code and various design issues that code can have.
BSc and MSc course, University of Zurich, 2025
The software requires constant evolution due to changing customer needs, bugs that have to be fixed, or changes in the environment. Lehman’s first law of software evolution states that a software system must be continuously adapted, or it becomes less and less useful. The constant change poses many challenges, and both researchers and practitioners have recognized the importance of studying and support software evolution and the humans involved in the process. In this seminar, we will cover some of the most relevant studies, approaches, and techniques that researchers have looked at in this context.