Seminar in Software Engineering
Masters course, University of Bern, 2018
This is a seminar for Masters students in the Swiss Joint Master of Science in Computer Science as well as Bachelors, Masters and PhD students completing their project work or thesis in the Software Engineering Group. Seminar students will work on a small, supervised project during the semester, and present their work at the end of the semester. The course is offered in both fall/spring semesters.
At the end of the course, students are able to:
- use a sophisticated tool supporting software verification at different levels of abstraction, or
- build an Eclipse or other IDE plugin supporting developers in their daily development tasks, or
- write a crawler that analyzes open source software repositories to answer a specific research question, or
- train a machine learning model predicting quality attributes of a given program or software project, or
- create a new method of visualizing static and dynamic aspects of a software system, or
work on the design and implementation of programming or modeling tools, etc.
More details can be found Here