Impact of energy patterns in web applications

Seminar topic, University of Zurich, 2023


The intensive use of software in many aspects of industries is becoming more and more common. Including other factors impacting climate, the technology sector also plays a role. Therefore, in recent years, software engineering research has attempted to comprehend the energy consumption and implication of the software development process by building various tools and frameworks[1]. However, not all developers are aware of sustainable software, or energy-efficient practices; therefore, energy-related anti-patterns are more common than expected, and eventually, developing green software is still challenging.


This study aims at assessing the impact of various energy-related patterns proposed by Cruz et al. Cruz et al. developed a catalog of 22 design patterns related to the energy efficiency of mobile apps. Some patterns are applicable in Web development as well. We find the anti-patterns that consume more energy than others. We assess their impact on selected open-source projects[2][3]. We also design a pilot study to understand the strategies that can be adopted to avoid them.



  • Study the 22 energy patterns.
  • Identify the tools (e.g., Intel’s Running Average Power Limit (RAPL) interface) to measure the impact of the patterns in open-source web applications[4].
  • Identify the patterns that consume more energy.
  • Explore the strategies that can be used to avoid the anti-patterns.
  1. Pinto et al, Mining Questions about Software Energy Consumption, 2014,
  2. Tahir et al., A large scale study on how developers discuss code smells and anti-patterns in Stack Exchange sites, 2020,
  3. Procaccianti et al. 2016, “Empirical evaluation of two best practices for energy-efficient software development”
  4. Shanbhag et al. “Onthe Energy Consumption of Different Dataframe Processing Libraries- An Exploratory Study”,