_pages/teaching.md — layout: archive title: “Teaching Activities” permalink: /teaching/ author_profile: true —
Seminar in Empirical Software Engineering
BSc and MSc course, University of Zurich, 2023, 2024.
This course explores the research landscape of the empirical software engineering field, and state-of-the- art tools and techniques in it to develop the prototypical tools and techniques for various topics. I will organize the course as the main instructor.
Seminar in Software Engineering
BSc and MSc course, University of Bern, 2018-2022.
This course explores the research landscape of the software engineering field, and state-of-the- art tools and techniques in it to develop the prototypical tools and techniques for various topics. I worked as an independent instructor responsible for managing 2-3 small research projects.
Software Modeling analysis
Masters course, University of Bern, Autumn 2018, Autumn 2020.
This course provide an overview about techniques to analyze complex software systems to support developers in program comprehension and maintenance tasks. A portion of this course makes heavy use of Smalltalk, a live programming environment that supports advanced reflection metaprogramming techniques. More details can be found Here
Object-orineted Programming
Undergraduate course, University of Bern, Every Spring - 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022.
This course provides an introduction to object-oriented design in Java with an emphasis on practical techniques for developing complex software systems. I instructed the course as a main instructor where I was responsible for hiring help assistants, designing exercise, correcting exercise, and conducting the exam. More details can be found Here